Saturday, June 30, 2007

Marble Mountain

Marble Mountain, conveniently located on the wide tourist road between Danang airport and Hoi An, consists of a couple jagged spurts of rock sticking up above the countryside, and a town full of shops selling marble sculptures, and knick-knacks. The mountain, like most in Vietnam, is home to a temple. It is also full of caves - more temples - and has a nice view from the top if you can crawl through the crack at the end of a cave to get on top.

Vietnamese lions have more dragon in them than lion. This one, at any rate, was really annoyed by the flower which kept blowing past its ears.

From the top of the hill. Overlooking, incidentally, China Beach. Since Danang was a major US air base during the war, and China Beach was only a few km away, I'm told it was a popular spot for spending time off duty. Rather more to the point, it is a great beach for walking along since it goes forever and there aren't too many snooty resorts with fences!

The actual town is, of course, a little dusty with all the granite shops.
So someone made a fountain to keep the dust down.

And some musicians to keep everybody happy.

The multitudes.

Mother and child, Lady Liberty, and Liberated Lady

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