Theoretically I am supposed to be ‘adding value’ here, saying something that could possibly be usefully or edifying for someone somewhere. However, there are times when things which could hardly be classified as ‘value’ simply need to be said. So you just say them.
Elephants destroy crops in Nghe An
A herd of elephants last week destroyed more than 2 ha of crops in Thanh Thuy Village... The elephants did not attack anyone (not even the reporter wandering the fields in a ganja haze dreaming up what kind of story to write next), but roamed the area, uprooting cassava and corn plants and then piling them up into several heaps. (So did they pile the corn and cassava in separate heaps? Which one did they eat first? Did they have ugali or boule on the menu?)
Local residents believed the elephants belonged to one family. (Let me guess, all four had the surname Nguyen and worked in the Elephantine Pedicure Boutique.) The elephants also entered the area late last year. (It’s officially a tradition now, next year they’ll invite the cousins.)
Thanh Chuong District authorities called on local people not to kill the elephants if they travel to the area again. Loud noises are sufficient to scare the elephants away. (I’d say try karaoke.)
And, finally, here’s what those elephants felt like, sitting around looking at their cassava stash!
I have a weakness for articles about elephants and pictures of nephews...
Photo credit to my sister, starring Joshua Nganga and Zachary Gicharu, and partial appendages of Moses...
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