This first photo is of my neighborhood for two weeks. You can see the Hanoi Towers in the background - incidentally they are built on the same block as what is left of "Hanoi Hilton" which is now a museum of sorts. That was a prison where some captured American pilots were kept during the war. Anyway, the view is from my 4th floor hotel room in the old quarter, which I moved into after suddenly leaving my apartment for various reasons the most pertinent of which is that the police caught up with my landlady who had not properly registered me as a foreign renter like she was supposed to do ... Anyway, that's a funny story but I'm tired of it. Nice view, eh? I liked that room, and the people who run the hotel are very nice, I would recommend the place to anybody who comes to visit me here, the room with a view.
This is Truc Bach Lake, in front of a strip of cafes and neon, in front of a luxury hotel. There's a reason I didn't move to THAT hotel when I left my flat - no one would speak Vietnamese to me there... Actually they probably would, only it would cost a lot more!
In honor of everybody who likes trees and tree pictures. Not newsworthy, but this isn't news it's only my silly blog.

Xem lai Ho Truc Bach, with a endless river of motorbikes pulsing back and forth on Duong Thanh Nien.

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