First of all, the local teddy bear store. Only a few things on earth are truly universal, obviously large, pink, fuzzy bears make the list... Some of you may remember the large pink fuzzy dog that perched on my car for awhile, well maybe I should get one for my bike!

I did not drink a Coke or a Nestea, I did enjoy the tree though.

'Uncle Ho' teaching a child in downtown Ho Chi Minh City in front of a very French building.

This is one more fascinating tree at the same pagoda. Buddhist temple I mean, they call them pagodas here, even if they do not have a pagoda like this one.
Finally, my favorite goofy news story of the day:
http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2006-04/08/content_4398836.htmI'd be "particularly aggressive" too if I looked like that!
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